Friday, April 13, 2012

Zachary (A Poem).

A million greetings to my diverse readers. Most people who know me are aware that I love poetry and at times, I try to write.

Here's another I wrote two days ago. I have a lot of writes but usually don't them on this blog. I'm hoping this little poem touches someone, anyone. Hope you like.
It is titled 'Zachary'.

The manliness of Zachary, the suavity of
Zachary, my Zachary:
Hair like an old crisped scroll, days of its breakage nigh,
The skin coating your palms screams dehydration.
Hands like a miner's: rough and unpolished and unpleasant
Eager to scoop the entirety of me off the grasshoppers ridden brown grass where our picnic mat lay,
Flipping me in the air like you would do a coin when making a bet you were sure to lose.

Zachary, my Zachary
How you would make me scream for you to put me down
Then beg you to twirl me whilst I spread out both my hands in the air
Mimicking the chirpings of a Robin - you taught me how.

The manliness of Zachary, the suavity of Zachary.
When my play flight ends, grabbing unto your brittle hair
I forget; and when you put me on our picnic mat -
The mat you got at the thrift store,
My palm has strands of hair in it but we laugh heartily, together
Making a hair ball and tossing it at your face,
Your miner hands raising and blocking your masculine but shrinking face,
Sheilding yourself from my supposedly lethal hair ball.

Zachary, my Zachary;
And the time came.
You had to go to a place where time would be important no more.
That place where your crisped scroll-like hair would absorb moisture.
Those moonlight stories you told me.
How they made me giggle continously and in turn made you laugh.
Those rainy mornings we sang together sitting by the fireplace.
I remember you for them.
Each night when the stars give up their shyness,
I lay our picnic mat on the water starved grass
Looking up, thinking of you.
I know I'll be with you soon if fate permits.
Zachary, my Zachary.
Your manliness. Your suavity.

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